Endometriosis Natural Treatment
Endo-Treat is a powerful nutritional supplement specifically designed to support the treatment of Endometriosis. It combines six of the most effective, clinically proven ingredients to help manage symptoms and promote overall well-being.
Take just two capsules a day, and start experiencing relief from Endometriosis symptoms.

Endo-Treat can help alleviate the following symptoms
And more...
Reduces Inflammation
The powerful ingredients in Endo-Treat support the breakdown of dead tissue, prevent organ adhesions, promote healing of internal wounds, and help break down unwanted tissue cells, all of which work together to reduce inflammation.
Analgesic -
Natural Pain Relief
Endo-Treat offers both central and peripheral analgesic effects by enhancing reaction time in response to thermal stimuli and reducing abdominal discomfort. It achieves this by inhibiting local pain mediators, providing natural and effective pain relief.
Reproductive system support
One key ingredient, Serrapeptase, offers a wide range of benefits, including the ability to break down dead tissue, blood clots, scars, and fibrous cysts within the uterus, supporting overall reproductive health.
Immune system and metabolism
With powerful ingredients like Juniper, Zinc, and others, Endo-Treat helps significantly enhance both the immune and metabolic systems, promoting overall health and well-being.
Improving the quality of life
Endometriosis can make everyday life challenging and restrict your activities. With Endo-Treat, you can regain the ability to live fully, free from pain and unnecessary limitations.
أناس مثلك

Breanna Sanders
"This is the first time I have had a painless period... for about 10 years, I've been taking other pills that didn't really help me.
Your product is quite incredible."
Kelsey B.
"After so many years of continuous suffering, I did not believe that this disease could be overcome. This product works wonders. Highly recommended for anyone suffering from endometriosis"

Megan Parker
"This product is excellent. If I had heard about him earlier, I would have saved myself and everyone around me a lot of pain and suffering."

Rachael G.
"I have been using Endo-Treat for several weeks now. Most of my endometriosis symptoms have reduced drastically.
My menstrual cramps are almost gone."
كيفية استخدام HelicoBacstopيجب أن تتناول كبسولتين يوميًاالواحدة صباحا والثانية مساءا على معدة فارغة *(* 60 دقيقة قبل الوجبة ، أو ساعتين بعد الوجبة)
كيف لي أن أعرف أن Helico-Bacstop ساعدتني؟بعد شهر من أخذ Helico-Bacstop ، يجب عليك إجراء اختبار تنفس آخر والمقارنة بين النتائج قبل إعادة التثبيت ، وبعدها - ستلاحظ تحسنًا كبيرًا
هل سأشعر بأي تحسن باستخدام Helico-Bacstop؟نعم! يقلل Helico Bacstop البكتيريا بنسبة 80٪. يجب أن تملأ بشكل أفضل بمجرد استخدام Helico-Bacstop.
هل يمكنني أكل كل شيء أثناء أخذ Helico Bacstop؟من أجل الحصول على أفضل النتائج ، يجب تجنب المعجنات والعجين والأطعمة المقلية والأطعمة المدخنة ومنتجات الألبان وخبز الدقيق الأبيض والطماطم أثناء العلاج وبعده
كم من الوقت تستغرق شركة Helico-Bacstop لبدء العمل؟في غضون أيام قليلة من أخذ Helico-Bacstop ، ستشعر بتحسن كبير وستبدأ الأعراض التي كنت تشعر بها قبل استخدامه في التلاشي بشكل ملحوظ.
هل يمكنني أخذ Helico Bacstop مع الوقت أو بعد تناول المضادات الحيوية؟يمكنك أخذ Helico Bacstop معك أو بعد تناول المضادات الحيوية
Are there any side effects?Helico-Bacstop is a natural remedy with no known side effects when used as directed. However, if you have any underlying health conditions, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.
How should I store HelicoBacstop?HelicoBacstop should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. It does not require refrigeration. Simply keep the bottle tightly closed to protect the capsules from moisture and light, ensuring they maintain their potency.
100% Natural
Approved by the Israeli Ministry of Health
Free of preservatives, flavorings, and food coloring.
Does not contain sugar, eggs, gluten, alcohol, soy, peanuts, and lactose.
Only Two Capsule a day (Before Bed Time)
No side effects were observed
Has a GMP standard.
Has an ISO9001 standard.
Has a HACCP standard.
Dietary supplement
- Made in Israel
Kosher Badatz

120 كبسولة
69.00 دولار أمريكي
240 كبسولة
129.90 دولار أمريكي
(64.95 دولارًا فقط لكل زجاجة)

360 كبسولة
168.90 دولار أمريكي
(56.30 دولارًا أمريكيًا فقط لكل زجاجة)

تعليقات المنتج
سو C.
5 ★★★★★
نويل T.
5 ★★★★★
حتى الآن ، يستجيب جسدي جيدًا كما لا يحدث في أي ردود فعل سلبية ولا يزال الهضم مثاليًا. لقد اختبرت AK [علم الحركة التطبيقي] كما فعل ممارس شمولي وجسدي يريد ذلك وبالجرعة الموصوفة. الآن لنرى ما إذا كانت الجلطة الصغيرة التي تشكلت بسبب كسر في الساق قد تلاشت في غضون بضعة أشهر من تناول CRV. خدمة عملاء رائعة أيضًا صبور مع الأسئلة والمخاوف.
ويلما W.
5 ★★★★★
يعمل استرداد crv وسأرى د. للتأكيد قريبًا ولكني أعتقد أن شراييني تتحسن ويبدو أنها تعمل !!!
Synthia T.
5 ★★★★★
لقد فوجئت بمدى سرعة عمل CRV هذا ، وكما قال طبيبي ، "تبدو الأوعية الدموية الخاصة بك أصغر الآن" :-) منتج ممتاز. شكرا يا رفاق! سأشتري مرة أخرى إذا لزم الأمر !!!
راسل و.
4 ★★★★
لقد فوجئت بمدى سرعة عمل CRV هذا
جيم ب.
5 ★★★★★
لقد أصبت مؤخرا بجلطة دموية. لقد تلقيت توصية من صديق لأخذ CRV لأنه يمنع أيضًا تطور جلطات الدم ويذوبها أيضًا. بعد بضعة أسابيع من استخدام CRV ، لم تعد جلطة دمي موجودة. حتى أطبائي كانوا مهتمين بهذا المنتج :-)
آلان س.
4 ★★★★
نعم انها جيدة.
دوروتا ل.
5 ★★★★★
لقد اشتريت مميع الدم الطبيعي ، واقي CRV ، وهو رائع - أيضًا كمخفف للدم وأيضًا كعلاج لجلطات الدم. أذابتهم في لمح البصر.
أوصي بهذا الموقع وهذا المنتج أيضًا.
جوش ب.
لا مزيد من الآثار الجانبية ، ولا مميعات الدم الأخرى ، وقد أذهل الطبيب بالنتائج. لا حاجة لتناول أي أدوية أخرى بعد شهرين من العلاج. لقد عمل هذا CRV من أجلي وربما يساعد الآخرين. موصى به للغاية!
جينا و.
5 ★★★★★
لدي بعض الدعامات ، واستخدمت مميعات الدم القياسية ، لكنني أردت بديلاً طبيعيًا. صادفت إعلان CRV وبعد أن سألني عما إذا كان ذلك مناسبًا لي ، أدركت أن CRV ينظف الشرايين ، ويزيل أيضًا اللويحة التي تتشكل بمرور الوقت على الدعامة. أوصي بشدة CRV
ريكي ل.
5 ★★★★★
شحن سريع ، دعم عملاء جيد ، منتج ممتاز - سيوصي!
فرانك إي.
2 ★★
جيد لكن باهظ الثمن!
إنه منتج جيد ، لكنه مكلف للغاية بالنسبة لي. لم يعجبني حقيقة أنني اضطررت لدفع الضرائب بمجرد وصولها إلى كندا. لن أشتريه مرة أخرى.
جيمس ك.
5 ★★★★★
وفقا للطبيب ، اختفت جلطات دمي. موصى به للغاية.
راندي هـ.
4 ★★★★
لا أعرف ما إذا كان ذلك جيدًا أم لا ، حتى الآن. سوف تتجدد. كان الشحن سريعًا ومعبأ جيدًا.
ميليسا ن.
5 ★★★★★
لدي بعض الدعامات وأنا آخذ CRV كمنظف للبلاك. حتى الان جيدة جدا!
جلين ف.
5 ★★★★★
سمعت عن هذا المنتج من صديق لي. أنا آخذها منذ حوالي 10 أسابيع الآن ، وأنا راضٍ جدًا عن النتائج.
روجر أ.
لا أسبرين ولا كيماويات بالنسبة لي. أنا أحب هذا المنتج
تود ف.
لقد أذاب هذا CRV جلطات دمي ولم يكن لدي أي منها منذ أن بدأت في تناوله. إنه حقًا مضاد طبيعي للتخثر.
أنجيلا سي.
كنت أبحث عن بديل طبيعي لمسيل الدم - أنا سعيد لأنني وجدته.
4.7 ★★★★★
19 استطلاعات
علاج ومنع الانسداد وحل الجلطات الدموية وتضيق الأوعية الدموية باستخدام واقي CRV -
مميع طبيعي للدم
The Powerful Ingredients Behind Endo-Treat's Effectiveness in Treating Endometriosis
Henna extract
(Lawsonia Inermis)
Lawsonia inermis Linn (Family: Lythraceae) is a plant often known as henna, predominant in tropical and subtropical regions, and has been extensively investigated and used worldwide in traditional medicine and as cosmetics. it is used traditionally as abortifacients to treat gonorrhea, intestinal amebiasis, headache, sore throat (decoction), as a blood tonic, hair tonic and treats dandruff and scalp disorders for Jaundice, skin disorders, fever, malaria, conjunctivitis, pimples, and scabies. (From the article THE ANALGESIC AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECT OF LAWSONE ISOLATED FROM LAWSONIA INERMIS published in ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science) Pain is a major symptom of many medical conditions and the most indicator of many medical cases, the pain is either locally by the release of pain mediators such as prostaglandin, interleukin, and histamine or centrally through CNS via sensory nerve impulses. Therefore, ethanolic leaves extract of L. inermis clarified both central and peripheral analgesic activity, similar to ketoprofen by increasing reaction time via thermal stimulus and decreasing abdominal constriction via chemical stimulus (acetic acid) by inhibition of the local endogenous pain mediator such as prostaglandin and bradykinin. Lawsonia inermis L. contains many phytochemical compounds such as tannin, alkaloids, flavonoids, and steroids which have been possessing potent analgesic activity.

Papaya extract (Serrapeptase)
Serrapeptase is a naturally occurring proteolytic enzyme, isolated from the silkworm and other natural resources. This proteolytic enzyme is able to digest certain types of protein by attacking only dead tissues.
This would include adhesions, dead cysts, and scarring. Studies suggest that this enzyme in the body produces anti-inflammatory mediators that reduce swelling, redness, and pain. Endometriosis has some key symptoms including scarring, cysts, inflammation, pain, and adhesions. Serrapeptase is effective at breaking down these unwanted tissue cells and allowing our bodies to function more normally. Serrapeptase also reduces inflammation and pain by blocking pain-inducing amines.
Endometriosis at its worst is correlated with fertility issues, immense pain during menstrual periods, as organs become stuck to one another, and as the symptoms worsen life becomes more difficult, many have found Serrapeptase for endometriosis a success. Serrapeptase when used for endometriosis is a beneficial enzyme that targets reproductive health issues at the source and aids in bettering the inner and outer health of women suffering from endometriosis. Serrapeptase has an immense range of abilities, including the ability to dissolve dead tissue, blood clots, scars, and fibrous cysts located in the breasts and uterus.
Sweet wormwood extract (Artemisia Judaica)
Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gynecological cancer in the United States and the fourth most common cancer among women, after breast, lung, and colon cancer with 47,130 cases and 8,010 deaths reported in 2012. There are two distinct types of endometrial cancers based on histological and molecular characteristics. Type I tumors, referred to as the endometrioid type, are generally well-differentiated adenocarcinomas with or without squamous differentiation, whereas Type II, the non endometrioid type, are uterine papillary serous and clear-cell carcinomas. Type I tumors comprise approximately 80-90% of all endometrial cancers. Naturally occurring plant compounds represent a largely untapped source of potential chemotherapeutic molecules to control different types of cancers with very minimal side effects.
One such phytochemical is artemisinin, which is a sesquiterpene lactone that was isolated from the aerial portions of the Artemisia annua plant (more commonly known as qinghaosu or sweet wormwood). For over 2000 years, Chinese traditional medicine practitioners have utilized this herb to treat a variety of illnesses, such as intestinal parasitic infections, hemorrhoids, and fever. Recent studies have demonstrated that artemisinin and its derivatives exhibit potent anticancer effects in various human cancer cell model systems such as colon, melanoma, breast, ovarian, prostate, central nervous system, leukemic, and renal cancer cells.

Purslane (Portulacca)
Portulaca oleracea, known as Purslane, is an annual growing herb with wide distribution around the world and is traditionally used to manage several diseases. Different therapeutic properties as an anti-fever agent as well as anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects have been attributed to P. oleracea.
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.), believed to be the earliest vegetable consumed by humans has been a part of the traditional culinary and folk medicine system for a long back. It is a rich source of vitamins, flavonoids, alkaloids, polysaccharides, omega-3 fatty acids (Especially alpha-linolenic and gamma-linolenic acids), terpenoids, sterols, proteins, and minerals and has also been reported as the superfood for the future. Owing to its diverse phytoconstituents, Purslane has been reported to possess potent pharmacological actions such as hepato-protective, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, antioxidant, anticancer, and antihypertensive actions. (From the article " Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.): An underutilized wonder plant with potential pharmacological value", The Pharma Innovation Journal)
It was found that Juniperi had strong anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory, and wound-healing activities. More interestingly, Juniperi impacted critical genes and pathways that are associated with metabolism, inflammation, and cancer biology. Findings from this study suggest that Juniperi may be a good therapeutic candidate for inflammatory, immune, and metabolic diseases.

Zinc is an essential microelement that plays many important functions in the body. It is crucial for the regulation of cell growth, hormone release, immunological response and reproduction. Only recently, attention has been drawn to the potential role of zinc in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), dysmenorrhea, or endometriosis. In primary dysmenorrhea, zinc supplementation before and during each menstrual cycle seems to be an important factor in reducing the intensity of menstrual pain.
The results of a study of the possible involvement of zinc in the complex pathogenic process behind the onset and perpetuation of endometriotic lesions showed that serum zinc levels in women with endometriosis are decreased and this seems to actually confirm that this micro-element can possibly affect the multifactorial pathogenesis of the disease. As a matter of fact, zinc interferes with many biological processes, among which inflammation and immunity, which seem to be the base of the development of the lesions.
Zinc is a key anti-inflammatory nutrient that is commonly deficient in women with endometriosis. Zinc repairs intestinal permeability (thereby improving autoimmunity) and reduces prostaglandins and pain.
معلومات عنا
حامي CRV هو مصنع by Homeotreat (منذ 1997) - شركة إسرائيليةمتخصص in تطوير الطبيعي & فعالالمنتجات التي توفر مجموعة واسعة من الحلول الطبيعية لتحسين نوعية الحياة. يتم إجراء كل من البحث والتطوير ، وكذلك الإنتاج والتعبئة ، بواسطةهوموتريت، في إسرائيل.
تركز الشركة بشكل كبير على جودة المنتجات وعمليات تطويرها. هذه العمليات لها أهمية كبيرة وبالتاليعديدةيتم استثمار الموارد في البحث الشامل وجودة المواد الخام.
تتم عمليات التصنيع والتعبئة وفقًا لشهادة GMP & ISO وبناءً عليهاإشراف وزارة الصحة الإسرائيلية.
نحن نشحن عالميا.
يتم شحن جميع منتجاتنا من إسرائيل.
نظرًا لأزمة COVID-19 ، لا يمكننا تقديم خدمة شحن مجانية منتظمة. جميع الطلبات be shipped مع خدمة الشحن السريع / السريع - Shipping عادة ما تستغرق 3-6 أيام عمل (سيتم احتساب رسوم الشحن عند الخروج).
قد يستغرق وقت المناولة ما يصل إلى يومي عمل.
يرجى ملاحظة أننا لسنا مسؤولين عن أي تأخير أو رسوم بسبب الجمارك في البلد المستلم.
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Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. The information presented on this website originates from the manufacturer and remains their sole responsibility. It should not be construed as medical advice or recommendation. The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for diagnosing or treating any health condition or for prescribing medications or other forms of treatment.
Prior to initiating any diet, exercise, or supplementation regimen, or before taking any medication, it is recommended that you seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional. If you have or suspect you have a health issue, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.
Neither Top-probiotics.com nor the US Food and Drug Administration has evaluated the products listed on this website.