علاج ومنع الانسداد وحل الجلطات الدموية وتضيق الأوعية الدموية باستخدام واقي CRV -
مميع طبيعي للدم

Breathe Freely with Muco Protector: Nature’s Respiratory Aid
أهداف علاج CRV عديدة. بسبب النشاط الأنزيمي لـ CRV ، يمكن للمنتج إذابة أي طبقة بروتينية والانسدادات المفتوحة التي تظهر على جدار الأوعية الدموية ، (بينما في أغلب الأحيان ، يوصي الأطباء بـ an invasive treatment with_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ التأثيرات الجانبية ، مثل الأكياس والدعامات).
يستخدم CRV أيضًا لعلاج البلغم ، خاصة عند الإصابة بالتهاب الجيوب الأنفية ، وبالتالي تجنب استخدام المضادات الحيوية.
يستخدم CRV كبديل طبيعي لمخففات الدم ، مثل الأسبرين ،
خاصة لمن لديهم حساسية من الأسبرين.
Here’s how the components in MUCO Protector contribute to addressing issues like phlegm, mucus buildup, sinusitis, and bronchitis:

Papaya Extract
Papaya is rich in enzymes such as papain, which possess anti-inflammatory qualities. These enzymes assist in breaking down mucus, making it easier to expel from the body. Additionally, papaya extract may help soothe the respiratory passages, potentially easing symptoms related to sinusitis and bronchitis.
The Muco Protector combines Serrapeptase produced from Papaya extract: Serrapeptase is an enzyme that can help with sinusitis, bronchitis, mucus, and phlegm by breaking down proteins in inflamed or damaged tissues. This reduces inflammation, which can alleviate sinus and bronchial congestion. Additionally, it helps to thin mucus, making it easier to expel from the respiratory tract, thereby improving overall respiratory function.

Dill Extract (Anethum graveolens)
Dill has long been valued for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits. Dill extract may help reduce inflammation within the respiratory tract, offering relief from sinusitis and bronchitis symptoms. It also aids in thinning mucus, making it easier to clear the airways.

Celery Seeds
Celery seeds are known for their anti-inflammatory agents, such as apigenin, which may help decrease inflammation in the respiratory system, alleviating symptoms of bronchitis and sinusitis. These seeds also have diuretic effects, which can assist in reducing congestion and enhancing mucus and phlegm drainage.

Poria Cocos (Poria Mushroom Extract, Wolfiporia extensa)
Poria Cocos is a traditional Chinese medicinal mushroom recognized for its immune-strengthening and phlegm-reducing properties. Its expectorant abilities help expel mucus from the respiratory tract, which is especially beneficial in conditions like bronchitis, where mucus accumulation is prevalent. Moreover, it can aid in relieving sinusitis by minimizing inflammation and improving sinus drainage.
CRV | 120 كبسولة

A Unique صيغة تحتوي على:
L- أرجينين ،
Ocimum basilicum تحويلة. و
صنوبر سيلفستر (باين) تحويلة. و
أنيثوم مقبرة تحويلة. و
كاريكا بابايا تحويلة
كيفية استخدام HelicoBacstopيجب أن تتناول كبسولتين يوميًاالواحدة صباحا والثانية مساءا على معدة فارغة *(* 60 دقيقة قبل الوجبة ، أو ساعتين بعد الوجبة)
كيف لي أن أعرف أن Helico-Bacstop ساعدتني؟بعد شهر من أخذ Helico-Bacstop ، يجب عليك إجراء اختبار تنفس آخر والمقارنة بين النتائج قبل إعادة التثبيت ، وبعدها - ستلاحظ تحسنًا كبيرًا
هل سأشعر بأي تحسن باستخدام Helico-Bacstop؟نعم! يقلل Helico Bacstop البكتيريا بنسبة 80٪. يجب أن تملأ بشكل أفضل بمجرد استخدام Helico-Bacstop.
هل يمكنني أكل كل شيء أثناء أخذ Helico Bacstop؟من أجل الحصول على أفضل النتائج ، يجب تجنب المعجنات والعجين والأطعمة المقلية والأطعمة المدخنة ومنتجات الألبان وخبز الدقيق الأبيض والطماطم أثناء العلاج وبعده
كم من الوقت تستغرق شركة Helico-Bacstop لبدء العمل؟في غضون أيام قليلة من أخذ Helico-Bacstop ، ستشعر بتحسن كبير وستبدأ الأعراض التي كنت تشعر بها قبل استخدامه في التلاشي بشكل ملحوظ.
هل يمكنني أخذ Helico Bacstop مع الوقت أو بعد تناول المضادات الحيوية؟يمكنك أخذ Helico Bacstop معك أو بعد تناول المضادات الحيوية
Are there any side effects?Helico-Bacstop is a natural remedy with no known side effects when used as directed. However, if you have any underlying health conditions, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.
How should I store HelicoBacstop?HelicoBacstop should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. It does not require refrigeration. Simply keep the bottle tightly closed to protect the capsules from moisture and light, ensuring they maintain their potency.

تغيير حياتك اليومية مضمون
أفضل علاج لمنع انسداد وتضييق الأوعية الدموية
سيغير CRV حياتك اليومية مضمونة.
نحن نمزج المعرفة منذ 20 عامًا وننقلها إلى آلاف الممارسين في جميع أنحاء العالم.


240 كبسولة
129.90 دولار أمريكي
(64.95 دولارًا فقط لكل زجاجة)

360 كبسولة
168.90 دولار أمريكي
(56.30 دولارًا أمريكيًا فقط لكل زجاجة)

360 كبسولة
168.90 دولار أمريكي
(56.30 دولارًا أمريكيًا فقط لكل زجاجة)
معلومات عنا
Product Reviews
Sarah M.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommend!
Muco Protector worked wonders for my chronic bronchitis. I’ve tried so many remedies, but this one really cleared up my mucus and eased my breathing. Highly recommend!
James T.
5 ★★★★★
I was struggling with persistent phlegm for months.This supplement finally gave me relief.
Emily R.
5 ★★★★★
I’ve noticed a huge improvement with my terrible sinusitis. It’s now a staple in my daily routine.
Tom W.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended
It saved me from my chronic cough with mucus. It started working within a week, and I haven’t looked back since.
Jessica B.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended
After suffering from constant sinus pressure and mucus buildup, Muco Protector brought me the relief I needed. My head feels so much clearer!
Michael G.
5 ★★★★★
Very Good
Very good!
Peter H.
2 ★★
Not happy
I tried it to treat my persistent phlegm and cough but the improvement wasn’t enough to justify continuing with it
Karen L.
5 ★★★★★
I’ve had issues with bronchitis for years, The results are amazing. Highly recommended
Richard S.
5 ★★★★★
Great product
This product really helped clear up the mucus in my lungs.
Melissa H.
5 ★★★★★
I'm so grateful!
My chronic cough and mucus were unbearable. Muco Protector finally helped me find relief
David G.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended
I’ve been using this product for my sinusitis, and the difference is night and day. I’m no longer constantly congested.
John M.
2 ★★
Slight improvement
I used Muco Protector for my chronic bronchitis, hoping for significant relief. Unfortunately, I only noticed a slight improvement in my symptoms. It helped a bit, but not enough to make a real difference for me.
Laura K.
3 ★★★
I had high hopes
I’ve been dealing with sinusitis for years, and I had high hopes for this supplement. While it did reduce my mucus slightly, it wasn’t the game-changer I was hoping for. I’m still searching for something that will work better.
Daniel F.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended
Natasa Petrovic
5 ★★★★★
Lisa C.
5 ★★★★★
Great, Thanks
My coughing due to bronchitis has decreased significantly, and I feel much better. Thanks!
Oliver K.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended
I had a lingering cough with mucus that wouldn’t go away. This has been a fantastic solution.
Patricia F.
5 ★★★★★
Helped me a lot with my mucus
Gery H.
1 ★
Didn't help me at all
I was disappointed by the results
Michael A
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended
I was hesitant at first, but Muco Protector really worked for my sinusitis. I’m breathing easier and feel much healthier now.
Joe B.
4 ★★★★
Anna W
5 ★★★★★
Very good
My chronic bronchitis symptoms have improved so much since I started using Muco Protector.
Jane Ferhat
5 ★★★★★
Bought it to my husband. Highly recommended
Dan Cohen
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended
Helped me in no time
Henry D
5 ★★★★★
helped me get rid of the stubborn phlegm
5 ★★★★★
Very good!
Rami Zomer
5 ★★★★★
Paul Andrews
5 ★★★★★
Great stuff
I have been suffering from chronic phlegm for years. This is without a doubt the bes product that helped me the most, and the fastest
Dustin Allen
5 ★★★★★
If I had known about this product a few years ago, I would have saved myself a lot of money and a lot of discomfort. Excellent and recommended product
5 ★★★★★
Effective and recommended for phlegm chronic treatment
I suffer from chronic phlegm, which disturbs my sleep, and it is also unpleasant for those around me. This product is like magic for me because it helped me a lot, in just a few days, and I thank God for that.
Lorne Fortin
5 ★★★★★
Il est fortement recommandé
Très bon produit je recommande vivement
Uriel A
5 ★★★★★
It is so good
I couldn't believe how fast it worked. I've been suffering for years, and it took me several days to get rid of my chronic phlegm. I can highly recommend this product with all my heart!
Rob A.
5 ★★★★★
I have been suffering from sinusitis for several years - this product is unbelievable, it helps me like no other product has helped me until now
Olivia O.
5 ★★★★★
This product is excellent, it cleansed my lungs of chronic salinity, and I stopped coughing
Logan K.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended
I highly recommend this product
Gary A.
5 ★★★★★
Perfect product
Lynda M.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended for sinusitis
Owen J.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended
I'm not suffering from chronic phlegm since I began using this product. It is very good indeed
5 ★★★★★
Excellent! a LIFE SAVER
The product is a life saver for me! The product is natural so I can take it every day it help me a lot . I suffer from a lot of mucus that my body produce due to bad allergy. This product actually clean my body from that mucus that cause wheezing and coughing ! no more Alvesco or other drugs to cure . Thank you for a great product!
Bill B.
5 ★★★★★
I bought it 3 times already. Great product
4.6 ★★★★★
معلومات عنا
حامي CRV هو مصنع by Homeotreat (منذ 1997) - شركة إسرائيليةمتخصص in تطوير الطبيعي & فعالالمنتجات التي توفر مجموعة واسعة من الحلول الطبيعية لتحسين نوعية الحياة. يتم إجراء كل من البحث والتطوير ، وكذلك الإنتاج والتعبئة ، بواسطةهوموتريت، في إسرائيل.
تركز الشركة بشكل كبير على جودة المنتجات وعمليات تطويرها. هذه العمليات لها أهمية كبيرة وبالتاليعديدةيتم استثمار الموارد في البحث الشامل وجودة المواد الخام.
تتم عمليات التصنيع والتعبئة وفقًا لشهادة GMP & ISO وبناءً عليهاإشراف وزارة الصحة الإسرائيلية.
نحن نشحن عالميا.
يتم شحن جميع منتجاتنا من إسرائيل.
نظرًا لأزمة COVID-19 ، لا يمكننا تقديم خدمة شحن مجانية منتظمة. جميع الطلبات be shipped مع خدمة الشحن السريع / السريع - Shipping عادة ما تستغرق 3-6 أيام عمل (سيتم احتساب رسوم الشحن عند الخروج).
قد يستغرق وقت المناولة ما يصل إلى يومي عمل.
يرجى ملاحظة أننا لسنا مسؤولين عن أي تأخير أو رسوم بسبب الجمارك في البلد المستلم.
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Disclaimer: The information presented on this website originates from the manufacturer and remains their sole responsibility. It should not be construed as medical advice or recommendation. The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for diagnosing or treating any health condition or for prescribing medications or other forms of treatment.
Prior to initiating any diet, exercise, or supplementation regimen, or before taking any medication, it is recommended that you seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional. If you have or suspect you have a health issue, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.
Neither Top-probiotics.com nor the US Food and Drug Administration has evaluated the products listed on this website.