¡Deja de sufrir ahora!
Con HelicoParada de bac

Si le diagnosticaron Helicobacter,
¡Este es el mejor remedio natural para ti!
Di adiós a la acidez estomacal y al reflujo
Este suplemento Kosher líder es un tratamiento alternativo natural al tratamiento con antibióticos,
que contiene 25 Billion essential bacteria mezcla que no solo alivia los efectos adversos de Helicobacter pylori y bacteria mezcla que no solo alivia los efectos adversos de Helicobacter pylori y bacterias que no solo alivia los efectos adversos de Helicobacter pylori y bacterias que también se usa como síntoma de Pylove Producto probiótico: Puede ser inducido para estimular el sistema inmunológico celular y hormonal además del equilibrio de la flora intestinal y la corrección de su actividad.
Helicobacter pylori tratamiento natural es un Tratamiento muy eficaz! con más del 90% de tasa de éxito.

Protector Multi Probiótico
Sin efectos secundarios
Efectivo natural Tratamiento

Con 25 mil millones de bacterias
Seguro, Probado y Probado
Más del 90 % de tasa de éxito

Daniela C. Londres Reino Unido
"Probé casi todo, una amiga me habló del producto y dijo que le ayudó mucho... Probé el producto ydentro de una semana y unmitad, sentí una mejoría inmediata... Me gustaría darle las gracias por el servicio rápido y el producto maravilloso"
Gente como tú

Sarah B. TLV, Israel
"Escuchar,Halicobacstop me salvó la vida. Antes de usarlo, usé el tratamiento antibiótico que me hizo sentir muy mal y apenas me ayudó: No quería comer , Me sentí semana, todo sabía tan mal y perdí el apetito. Después de usar Helicobacstop, volví a sentirme como yo: comencé a disfrutar comiendo e incluso podía comer y disfrutar del desayuno. Tomo 1-2 cápsulas por la mañana y se siente mucho mejor"

Jim K. Ohio, EE. UU.
"El tratamiento antibiótico no me ayudó, ¡pero su producto natural me salvó! La bacteria casi desapareció.
Seguramente puedo decir que este es el mejor tratamiento para h pylori..

vivan- Compré 2 X H. Pylori Natural Treatment para mi mamá y aquí están los comentarios:
No se sintió bien (dolor de estómago) cuando tomó 2 cápsulas después de las comidas por la mañana durante 2 semanas.
Envié un correo electrónico a la compañía y el tipo cuyo nombre es David, del servicio de atención al cliente, me respondió bastante rápido y le aconsejé a mi madre que tomara una cápsula por la mañana y otra por la noche.
Mi mamá se sintió mucho mejor a partir de entonces...
Y ahora le va tan bien después de terminar las 2 botellas del tratamiento. Ella me dijo que no tiene el problema de la acidez estomacal, la tiroides y el estómago....
La razón por la que no le di 5 estrellas es que el tiempo de envío está tardando un poco más de lo que esperaba. La entrega demora 3 semanas ya que mi madre vive en Malasia.

Dana -Muy bueno. Pedí helicobacstop en top-probiotics que es un tratamiento natural para h.pylori (Helicobacter).
Funciono muy bien para mi. Seguramente compraré algunos más.
Gran servicio y envío rápido!
Muy recomendable

Stevenson- Compré el tratamiento natural H Pylori llamado Helicobacstop en el sitio web Top-probiotics.com y estoy muy satisfecho. Es tan bueno y me hizo sentir mucho mejor.
El equipo también es muy útil.
comprare de nuevo
Reseñas de eBay / Amazon / Facebook

Kathy -Casi terminé la primera botella y ya me siento mucho mejor. l estaba pasando por mucho dolor con los antibióticos, y después de tomar Helicobacstop ahora, tuve mi segundo resultado y ya no tengo the bacteria.

Eva -Gran producto, resultados rápidos, muchas gracias. Lo recomiendo a todos. Y ustedes, muchas gracias por sus respuestas profesionales y el gran apoyo!

Jakob- ¡Guau! Les doy 5 estrellas chicos!!! Excelente producto, increíble, brillante! Entrega rápida, gran servicio. 2 botellas, ¡y me siento tan bien ahora! Me ayudo mucho.

Kdan-45 - The efficacy of Helico Bacstop is extraordinary. I got high positive relief from the pains I was going through. To be frank with you, I will recommend this medication to everyone suffering from this dreadful disease (helicobacta Pylori).

Nuestra exclusiva fórmula de suplemento de tratamiento h.pylori incluye 25 mil millones bacterias amigables:
Lactobacillus ReuteriPilopaso
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus salivarius
Lactobacillus Casei
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Bifidobacterium bulgaricus
Lactococcus lactis
bifidobacterium longum
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Fibrulina (fos)

Other Ingredients: HPMC, Magnesium stearate
Helicobacstop se sirve en un tarro especial para mascotas, evitando cualquier radiación y humedad,
Cada botella contiene 60 Cápsulas
Modo de empleo: 2 cápsulas al día
Uno por la mañana y el segundo por la noche, en ayunas*
(*60 minutos antes de una comida o 2 horas después de una comida)

Cambia tu día a día garantizado
El mejor tratamiento para h pylori
Hellicobacstop cambiará tu día a día garantizado.
Llevamos 20 años mezclando el conocimiento y pasándolo a miles de practicantes en todo el mundo.

90% de éxito
¡Los ingredientes activos de Helico-Bacstop pueden resolver o aliviar su sufrimiento con una precisión de más del 90%!
¡Helico-Bacstop no tiene efectos secundarios!
Helico-Bacstop no contiene azúcar, gluten, soja, lactosa ni colorante alimentario.
Su frasco para mascotas de alta calidad protege las cápsulas de la radiación y la humedad.
60 cápsulas

120 cápsulas

119.00US$(59.5$ por botella)
180 cápsulas

159.90US$ (53.3$ por botella)
Despite the situation in Israel, we continue shipping worldwide as usual,
typically arriving within 3-5 business days
Cómo usar HelicoBacstopDebes tomar 2 cápsulas al díaUno por la mañana y el segundo por la noche, en ayunas*(*60 minutos antes de una comida o 2 horas después de una comida)
¿Cómo sabría que Helico-Bacstop me ayudó?Después de un mes de tomar Helico-Bacstop, debe realizar otra prueba de respiración y comparar entre los resultados antes del tratamiento y después: verá una mejora importante
¿Sentiré alguna mejora usando Helico-Bacstop?¡Sí! Helico Bacstop reduce las bacterias en un 80%. Deberías llenarte mucho mejor una vez usando Helico-Bacstop.
¿Puedo comer de todo mientras tomo Helico Bacstop?Para obtener los mejores resultados, debe evitar los pasteles y masas, los alimentos fritos, los ahumados, los productos lácteos, el pan de harina blanca y los tomates durante y después del tratamiento
¿Cuánto tarda Helico-Bacstop en empezar a funcionar?A los pocos días de tomar Helico-Bacstop, se sentirá mucho mejor y los síntomas que sentía antes de usarlo comenzarán a disiparse notablemente.
¿Puedo tomar Helico Bacstop o después de tomar antibióticos?Puedes llevar el Helico Bacstop contigo o después de tomar antibióticos
Are there any side effects?Helico-Bacstop is a natural remedy with no known side effects when used as directed. However, if you have any underlying health conditions, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.
How should I store HelicoBacstop?HelicoBacstop should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. It does not require refrigeration. Simply keep the bottle tightly closed to protect the capsules from moisture and light, ensuring they maintain their potency.
Reseñas de Helico-Bacstop
Product Reviews
Village simonvil
5 ★★★★★
The product is working well in my body, I'm suffering really hard, with helicobacter, about 10 years ago,so now I just have 3 weeks using elicobaccstop my pain and reflux is slowing step by step!!!
5 ★★★★★
slmente es una bendiciónEr, Oh
Semen Aminov
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
Hector Escalante
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
I originally purchased one for bacteria but noticed it helped for acid reflux as well. We then purchased the 3 pack because my wife loved it as well. I Totally recommend it. When it comes to h-pylori if one has it it’s more than likely the other has it as well. We look forward to buying more for good health.
Linda Johansson
5 ★★★★★
My stomach feels much better and
Rhea Oliver
5 ★★★★★
Product seems to be effective and delivery was timely.
David West
5 ★★★★★
After 18 months with bouts of acute pain, two courses of anti-biotics for helicobacter pylori, omeprazole and constantly needing Gaviscon, Helicobacstop eased the problem in one week. I have had a couple of minor relapses but not for a month or so and I still have plenty of Helicobacstop tablets left to, hopeful 'seal the deal'. Very happy. Can recommend.
Maria Sarmiento
5 ★★★★★
These products they sell are very good and effective for the treatment that is needed. I am a testimony that these probiotics helped my medical condition. I recommend them. They saved my life. Before, I couldn't eat everything and now I can eat whatever I want. thank you so much
5 ★★★★★
Estoy por terminar el 1er frasco y me siento mejor,me bajo el hinchazón del estomago ,casi no tengo acidez.Espero terminar el tratamiento y sentirme bien.gracias
Hylee Phillips
4 ★★★★
Great product and customer service!
Customer service is great!!! I had questions and they were answered very quickly. I ordered the product for H. Pylori. And it came within 3 days. I was very impressed. I definitely noticed a difference in how I was feeling within 3-4 days of taking it: thank you so much!
Hector Escalante
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
I’m currently on capsule 30 and I feel a lot better. No pain or acid reflux. I’m definitely going to order more.
oing to order more.
Anastassiya T.
5 ★★★★★
The best product
I had many years pain in gastric zone and diarrhea. Had treated by antibiotics twice per year. Tried several diets. Nothing helps. This product is a game changer for me . I forgot about pain at all. I can everything. Very very recommend.
Karlo Rukavina
5 ★★★★★
I am so glad I discovered Top Probiotics. Wish more people knew about it
Patrick C.
3 ★★★
80% Effective - Not enough for me
My overalll experience was a little disappointing! For what I paid and the wait to receive the product it did not alleviate fully the h pylori concern! Not as effective as you portrayed on your website! It did help some but would say was no more than 80% effective!
Patrick Coughlin
5 ★★★★★
Regularity and easiness of digestion, no constipation anymore.
Gail Chin
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
It has really helped me with my h-pylori symptoms. I can mostly eat anything and not feel sick or have any stomach pain.
Daria Mueller
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
Ling Zhou
5 ★★★★★
Excellent product!! I feel much better after a few days of the probiotics. Thank you for making such great product!
5 ★★★★★
Hplory is gone appreciated so much Because I cannot take antibiotics
Shaleita Edwards
5 ★★★★★
I started feeling much better after the first week. The heartburn and the bloating has stopped!
Roger njomou
5 ★★★★★
Very Good! I think this product is really helping me. Thanks
Since I started to take it i am not feeling the pain
5 ★★★★★
I am feeling better and more regular with bowels
4 ★★★★
Everything is going well
Lahouaria Abdou
5 ★★★★★
Excellent product, I m in my half bottle and I feel much better, excellent product, fast delivery and great service.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
I am from uk suffering alot to be honest almost 5 years cos my hpilory comes always positive took alot of antibiotics finally got this it excellent excellent excellent medicine it worked for me
Ewa Gargulinska
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
manuel alcala
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
Mi estomago trabaja perfecto!
Jeanne Frittitta
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
Fantastic products and excellent customer service.
Sahar Shushtari
5 ★★★★★
Marek Biel
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
Helico-Bacstop - The best and only product that helps my mother-in-law to heal with quick results. Very fast service and very well-organized delivery. My second order and I am very satisfied with your product. Thank you.
Gordon Young
5 ★★★★★
I am a diabetic and truck driver. With some of my medications I would suffer with severe diarrhea and gassy sulphuric belching at least once a week. My doctor just said it was side effects and I would get use to it or they would subside. After months of this I did my own research and discovered your product. It has get out all symptoms and if I have to use the restroom I have plenty of time to get there.
Pyae Pyae Tun
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended!
Order arrived fast and the customer service was excellent. David gave me some important H pylori information that I didn’t get from my doctor so I was really happy.
Avi Edery
5 ★★★★★
Excellent!Service and the product.
Hari Krishnan
5 ★★★★★
This product helps me a lot, this is the best one.
Kelvin Pankiw
5 ★★★★★
Great. The product worked very well. I STRONGLY recommend this product to anyone suffering from H. Pylori
As advertised, t has cured my H. Pylori
Edar Melgar
5 ★★★★★
5 ★★★★★
Excellent product. My symptoms resolved completely in 5 days. I continue to take 1/day as a probiotic.
Great customer service. My symptoms resolved completely in 5 days. I continue to take 1/day as a probiotic.
Dante Gutierrez
5 ★★★★★
Kareem Al Khatib
5 ★★★★★
I had been suffering from an enigmatic problem, since the inception of COVID in 2020. This supplement has helped offset the acid-reflux-like symptoms, which were excruciatingly painful.
Thank you very much!
Regina T.
5 ★★★★★
I have no words! Absolutely excellent product. I took 2 bottles and that’s it. No antibiotics at all. I received the recommendations and I did what you told me to.
Zelda W.
4 ★★★★
Very good but too expensive
I'm not young but it helped me quite fast. I didn't like the fact that I needed to pay the import taxes here in the UK.
Thank you
Mark P.
5 ★★★★★
I was surprised
It seems to be a regular probiotics, but it is not. It really worked for me!
Sarah V.
5 ★★★★★
Very recommended
Halico Bacstop saved my life. Before using it, I used the antibiotic treatment which made me feel so bad and it hardly helped me: I didn't want to eat, I felt week, everything tasted so bad and I lost my appetite. After using the Helico Bacstop I felt like me again - I began enjoying eating, and I could even eat & enjoy breakfast. I take 1-2 capsules at morning, and it feels much better
monika cudnik
5 ★★★★★
Great probiotic. Great service. Thank you
Cynthia V.
5 ★★★★★
It helped me
It is great! After trying antibiotics, which didn't help me at all, I tried this Helico Bacstop and my bacteria is gone! Will recommend it
Elvina H.
5 ★★★★★
Very good
Very good! Eradicated my h. pylori after breath testing.
Jose M.
5 ★★★★★
Thank you
I want to thank your support, and your tips. I followed your recommendations and got rid of the bacteria.
Carlos C.
5 ★★★★★
Fast shipping, very effective product. Thank you
Alex H.
5 ★★★★★
Good. Thank you!
Good. Thank you!
Dana N.
5 ★★★★★
It worked great for me.
Very Good. I ordered the helicobacstop at top-probiotics which is a natural treatment for h.pylori (Helicobacter).
It worked great for me. I will surely buy more if needed.
Great service and fast shipment!
Very recommended
Eva J.
5 ★★★★★
Fast Results
Great Product, Fast Results, Thanks a lot. I recommend it to everyone. And you guys, many thanks to you for your professional replies and the great support!
Yesica T.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommend this product
Best product ever. I was diagnosed with H-pylpri 3 months ago, went thru 2 rounds of antibiotics which I felt terrible until I found this amazing product. Took it for a month and the bacteria is gone now. I highly recommend this product.
Meribel F.
5 ★★★★★
I got them and it's helping me a lot!!
I got them and it's helping me a lot!!
Stevenson D.
5 ★★★★★
I will buy again if needed
Bought the H Pylori natural treatment called Helicobacstop on Top-probiotics.com website and I'm very pleased. It is so good and it made me feel much better.
The team is very helpful as well.
I will buy again if needed
Dana J.
5 ★★★★★
Very Good.
I ordered the helicobacstop at top-probiotics which is a natural treatment for h.pylori (Helicobacter).
It worked great for me.
Great service and fast shipment!
Very recommended
Kevin A.
5 ★★★★★
It does exactly what they say
Very effective, fast shipment. Eradicated my bacteria, that's all I asked for :-)
George H.
3 ★★★
Took a whole bottle and it didn't help me. I feel better, the symptoms are almost gone, but according to the breath test, the bacteria is still there. What should I do? Should I order more bottles?
Gloria R.
5 ★★★★★
Good, but if you are from Canada, you should add tax
I had to pay duties here in Canada so it is a very expensive product, but it helped me and I don't have the h. pylori anymore, so it is OK ;-)
Esther H.
5 ★★★★★
Cured me!
I was suffering from this helicobacter, and the doctor gave me antibiotics which did nothing. This helicon-Bacstop cured me and I'm grateful for that.
5 ★★★★★
I almost finished the first bottle and l already feel much better
I almost finished the first bottle and l already feel much better, l was going through a lot of it pain with the antibiotics and l had my second result and l don’t have no more bacteria.
Kenn B.
5 ★★★★★
I needed 2 bottles – Great!
I had a breath test before taking this product and I was positive for the bacteria, I had another breath test after taking 2 bottles, and I didn't have the bacteria anymore. What else can I say? It does the job it meant to do! 5 stars for me.
Edgar H.
5 ★★★★★
Eradicated the bacteria
I feel great now! Thanks
4.9 ★★★★★
Sobre nosotros
HelicoBacstop es fabricado por Homeotreat (Desde 1997) - Una empresa israelíespecializado en desarrollo natural & eficazproductos que aportan una amplia gama de soluciones naturales para mejorar la calidad de vida. Tanto la investigación y el desarrollo como la producción y el envasado están a cargo deHomeoterapia, En Israel.
La empresa pone gran énfasis en la calidad de los productos y sus procesos de desarrollo. Estos procesos son de gran importancia y por lo tantomuchoslos recursos se invierten en la investigación minuciosa y la calidad de las materias primas.
Los procesos de fabricación y empaque se realizan bajo la certificación GMP & ISO y sobrela supervisión del Ministerio de Salud de Israel.
Enviamos a todo el mundo.
Todos nuestros productos se envían desde Israel.
Debido a la crisis del COVID-19, no podemos ofrecer el servicio de envío gratuito regular. Todos los pedidos serán enviados con un servicio de envío Expedited/express - Shipping por lo general tarda de 3 a 6 días hábiles (los gastos de envío se calcularán en el momento de la compra).
El tiempo de manejo puede demorar hasta 2 días hábiles.
Tenga en cuenta que no somos responsables de los retrasos o aranceles causados por la aduana en el país receptor.
SI tiene alguna pregunta con respecto a la Tratamiento de H. Pylori, por favor no dude en contactarnos:
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. The information presented on this website originates from the manufacturer and remains their sole responsibility. It should not be construed as medical advice or recommendation. The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for diagnosing or treating any health condition or for prescribing medications or other forms of treatment.
Prior to initiating any diet, exercise, or supplementation regimen, or before taking any medication, it is recommended that you seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional. If you have or suspect you have a health issue, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.
Neither Top-probiotics.com nor the US Food and Drug Administration has evaluated the products listed on this website.