¡El manitol puede ser una terapia natural para la enfermedad de Parkinson y puede aliviar los síntomas de Parkinson!
Unlock the potential of a natural supplement designed to support individuals suffering from degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease. Mannitol has shown promise in helping reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life for those affected by these challenging conditions.
¿Toma más y más medicamentos en un intento de controlar la condición?
Bueno, aquí estáuna información crucialusted debe saber:
El medicamento no trata la causa del Parkinson, Solo golosinas¡los síntomas!
La causa: Proteína llamada alfa-sinucleína.
Esta proteína es abundante en el cerebro humano y destruye gradualmente las células cerebrales que producen la molécula química primaria que envía señales a otras partes del cerebro para el control del movimiento y la coordinación. y alguna forma de pensamiento.
Nuevoinvestigarha encontrado una solución a ¡this alpha-synuclein grumos!
La investigación identificó una molécula
que puede prevenir y reducir
agregados de alfa-sinucleína.
¡La molécula es manitol!
Esto puede ayudar natural treatment
para el parkinson.
Lea acerca de nuestra fórmula única de manitol:
Homeotreat desarrolló un polvo de MANITOL único, que contiene, no solo el edulcorante natural (hecho de vegetales como cebollas, calabaza, algas marinas, champiñones y más), lo que provoca una disminución de la producción de la proteína alfa-sinucleína pero también la planta MUCUNA, que apoya el aumento en la cantidad de ingredientes esenciales para una función cerebral saludable.
Esta fórmula única de manitol puede ayudar a aliviar los síntomas de esta astuta enfermedad.
Polvo de manitol
Con Mucuna
Efectivo natural Tratamiento
Sin efectos secundarios
Seguro, Probado y Probado
aliviar los síntomas
¡El manitol puede ser una terapia natural para la enfermedad de Parkinson y puede aliviar los síntomas de Parkinson!
Gente como tú
Tania D. Barrie, California
"Estoy tomando una cucharadita al día durante los últimos 3 meses y estoy mejorando cada día, aunque es una mejora lenta. Recuperé mi voz, puedo hablar alto y claro , Hubo una mejora radical en la calidad de mi sueño y ahora puedo usar menos medicamentos y menos manitol"
Josh B. Jerusalén, Israel
"Escuchar,este polvo de manitol me salvó la vida. Antes de usarlo, usé medicamentos costosos que tenían efectos secundarios y estaba realmente deprimido, después de usar su tratamiento con manitol siento_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d que quiero salir de nuevo Mi pierna dolorida cesó, recuperé mi sentido del olfato, pude dormir bien y finalmente pude usar menos medicamentos "
Danny S. FL, EE. UU.
"Los medicamentos no me ayudaron, ¡pero su producto natural me salvó! Lo llamo "cura natural para la enfermedad de parkinson".Seguramente puedo decir que este es el mejor tratamiento para el Parkinson..
Robert K. Pensilvania, EE. UU.
"Me diagnosticaron Parkinson y luché con un dolor severo en mis extremidades. ¡He estado tomando el producto Manitol de Top Probiotics durante aproximadamente tres meses y mi dolor desapareció en gran medida! ¡Me parece que mi alivio del dolor es con este producto! Ha hecho un gran diferencia en la calidad de mi vida TODO PARA MEJOR!!!"
George N. Canadá
"Compré este manitol por primera vez hace aproximadamente un año y lo estoy usando desde entonces a diario (3 veces al día). El manitol me hizo sentir vital, mi sentido del gusto mejoró enormemente, mi sueño ahora es profundo y bueno , el dolor se fue, y los temblores se redujeron significativamente. Se que no me he curado pero gracias al Manitol me siento mucho mejor. Muchas gracias"
Alex M, Londres, Reino Unido
"Hace aproximadamente un año, escuché sobre el Mannitol en las noticias y comencé a leer sobre él para ayudar aunt con her PD_my .
Durante los últimos 6 meses, mi tía ha estado tomando Manitol, 3 veces al día (empezamos con una dosis más pequeña), y le ayuda mucho. Los temblores que tenía en las manos literalmente desaparecen (a veces durante mucho tiempo, ya veces durante unas pocas horas) después de tomar el medicamento.
Gracias al personal amable y dedicado".
Yuval C. TLV, IL
"A quien le interese,
My dear father had unbearable tremors in his hands mainly while eating. We tried almost everything to solve the problem (aceite de coco y más..) hasta que obtuvimos this Mannitol.
Después de varios días de usarlo, para nuestra sorpresa, los temblores cesaron.
Después de unos 3 meses de uso, dejamos de tomar el manitol, pero después de unas semanas, los temblores volvieron gradualmente.
Decidimos volver a tomar el manitol y resolvimos el problema de los temblores en las manos".
Ray F. Ohio, EE. UU.
"Compré el manitol para mi mamá y definitivamente lo recomiendo mucho. Es muy útil para aliviar los síntomas y aliviar el dolor de manera significativa.
Compraré una y otra vez :-)
Muchísimas gracias !!!
Si bien medicamentos no tienen la capacidad de penetrar la barrera sanguínea,los investigadoresrecomendar el uso de manitol junto con otros medicamentos aprobados debido a la capacidad comprobada del manitol para penetrar la barrera y permitir el paso de compuestos beneficiosos de los medicamentos probados para el tratamiento eficaz de la enfermedad de Parkinson.
Muchas personas ya han experimentado mejoras en sus síntomas al usar Manitol.
Directions: Take 2 teaspoons daily (approximately 10 grams).
Easy to use: Mannitol can be mixed with both hot and cold beverages.
300 gramos
600 gramos
900 gramos
Despite the situation in Israel, we continue shipping worldwide as usual,
typically arriving within 3-5 business days
de los medios
Nuestra fórmula única en polvo de MANITOL incluye también MUCUNA
En un tarro especial para mascotas, evitando cualquier radiación y humedad.
Peso neto: 300 g (10,6 onzas)
What is Mannitol?
Mannitol, a natural sugar alcohol, has recently been proposed as a potential disease-modifying agent for Parkinson's disease. In animal models, mannitol interferes with the formation of α-synuclein fibrils, inhibits α-synuclein oligomer formation, and contributes to the phenotypic recovery of impaired motor functions. Patients with Parkinson's who consume mannitol report improvements in both motor and non-motor symptoms. However, the safety of long-term oral mannitol use, the tolerable dose, and its potential benefits have not been clinically studied.
To address this gap, we conducted a phase IIa, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-center, dose-escalating study (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03823638) to evaluate the safety of oral mannitol in Parkinson's disease and determine the maximal tolerable oral dose. The study lasted 36 weeks and included four dose escalations of oral mannitol or dextrose, reaching a maximum dose of 18 g per day. The primary outcome was the safety of oral mannitol, assessed by the number of adverse events and abnormal laboratory results. While clinical and biochemical efficacy measures were collected, they were not statistically powered.
Fourteen patients receiving mannitol completed the trial, in addition to eight patients on placebo. No severe mannitol-related adverse events were observed. However, gastrointestinal symptoms limited dose escalation in 6 out of 14 participants on mannitol. None of the clinical or biochemical secondary outcome measures significantly differed between the groups.
We concluded that long-term use of 18 g per day of oral mannitol is safe for Parkinson's disease patients, though only two-thirds of patients tolerated this maximal dose. These findings should be considered in the design of future efficacy studies.
What is Mucuna Pruriens (MP)?
Mucuna pruriens, commonly known as the velvet bean, is a legume that thrives in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, including Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Islands. While the beans can be consumed as food after boiling, MP is also recognized as a medicinal plant, used for millennia in traditional Ayurvedic Indian medicine to treat a variety of conditions. Research has explored MP for its anti-diabetic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiepileptic, and antidepressant properties, among others. Notably, Mucuna pruriens contains 6-9% levodopa by weight, making it particularly valuable in alleviating parkinsonian symptoms.
Mucuna pruriens can enhance the effectiveness of mannitol in managing Parkinson's disease symptoms; while mannitol helps to reduce the formation of toxic α-synuclein aggregates in the brain, Mucuna pruriens provides a natural source of levodopa, a precursor to dopamine. This is crucial since Parkinson's disease is characterized by a deficiency of dopamine in the brain. By increasing dopamine levels, Mucuna pruriens can work synergistically with mannitol, potentially improving both motor and non-motor symptoms for individuals living with Parkinson's disease.
Mucuna | Velvet Bean
de los medios
"Actúa como una chaperona molecular, un tipo de molécula que reconoce las proteínas mal plegadas y las guía hacia las vías de eliminación de desechos celulares o inicia una respuesta de replegamiento".
“Un disruptor de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB) también es un potente inhibidor de la agregación de α-sinucleína (α-syn)
Una novela Dual mechanism of
Mannitol for the treatment of Parkinson disease (PD)”
“El 56% reporta una mejora en sus síntomas de Parkinson”
"Los pacientes muestran una mejoría mayor cuanto más tiempo toman manitol"
(Clinicrowd Webinar, 25 de marzo de 2018)
Why is it so important to add Brain-770 along with Mannitol?
While Mannitol helps prevent the formation of α-synuclein protein clumps, Brain-770 can dissolve and eliminate clumps that have already formed. This is why we highly recommend Brain-770 as a valuable supplement not only for managing Parkinson's disease but also for enhancing overall brain health.
Brain-770 is composed of multiple components specifically tailored to enhance the activity and functionality of the pineal gland, mitigate calcification, and hinder the crystallization of α-synuclein protein, which obstructs dopamine passage to the brain's gray matter. By significantly enhancing memory and improving overall quality of life, Brain-770 serves as a potential treatment and preventive measure against conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease.
120 Capsules
95.00$ 88.90$
Sobre nosotros
4.7 ★★★★★
Product Reviews
Pamela Lamattina
5 ★★★★★
purchased for my husband who has Parkinsons and it does seem to help with the various conditions PD
exhibits. My husband has Parkinsons and it took about 5 months before we noticed a change but we do. The tremors are not as bad , he is not as foggy and not as depressed as he was before starting this product . He continues to take 2 doses a day. Will post an update when he starts the new product.
Sharon Johnson
5 ★★★★★
Never expected to get product this fast. Service and delivery was excellent!
Fred Okoduwa
4 ★★★★
Appears to have some good effect,may require long term use to get optimal effects.So will keep using for now.Very good customer/delivery service. Thanks.
Charles Guarisco
5 ★★★★★
Excellent! My husband takes it for Parkinsonism tremors. So far we haven't noticed a decrease in the tremors. He still likes it though, because it helps him go to the bathroom easier in the morning. He wants to continue to take it to see if he gets results. The video we saw when we first looked into it said to "be patient" because it can take several months of taking this to see results.
Daniel M.
4 ★★★★
I have been using your product for over two months. I can't say that the product eliminated all the symptoms of the disease, but it definitely eased them, and that's why I continue to use it.
Paul V.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommend. I sleep better, I suffer less pain and there is even a slight improvement in tremors. Thanks. Highly recommend
Carol B.
5 ★★★★★
My husband really likes this mannitol. He says it helps him. I can testify that his speech has definitely improved recently
Krishna Natarajan
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended! It works as advertised
Christian N
5 ★★★★★
I was surprised with the positive results. I take it with my tea, and it helped with my tremors, with the pain, and with my sleep. Very recommended
Judith Smith
5 ★★★★★
Christine Pratt
4 ★★★★
Constance C.
5 ★★★★★
Just wanted to let you know that my husband has been taking the Mannitol/ Mucuna powder for several months now, and has significantly improved his quality of sleep. He has REM Sleep disorder, and takes a spoonful before bed every evening. He has a hand tremor, and has been told by a neurologist he may develop Parkinson's over the next 5 years. We wanted to be proactive, so I went online and found your product. We have been very happy about the results! He went from thrashing about and acting out his dreams 3 times per month, to once every other month- and now it is much milder when it does happen. We are very happy with your product and hope that it can provide some measure of slowing down the onset of Parkinson's. thank you very much!
Izabela C.
5 ★★★★★
Very good!
Christopher R.
4 ★★★★
I'm satisfied
I'm taking it for a while, and I feel a slight improvement (Which is very satisfying for me). Hope it will get even better soon.
Joseph O.
5 ★★★★★
I Recommend this Mannitol
5 ★★★★★
Expensive but good! I don’t like that I should pay import duties In Canada every time I'm ordering it, but I do like the product – It reduced my symptoms.
Mia C.
4 ★★★★
I bought it to my grandma 3 weeks ago– She likes it & it seems that she's having a physical improvement.
Lucas W.
2 ★★
Not so satisfied. Took a whole jar and felt only slight improvement.
Benjamin S.
5 ★★★★★
Exactly as described, high quality, fast delivery. Good!
Amelia R.
4 ★★★★
I think it helped me to stop the worsening processes of the disease. I have been taking Mannitol for a few weeks now, and I feel a bit better, and there is no further deterioration in my condition. I think it is the best I can do now, and I like it.
Josh T.
5 ★★★★★
Highly recommended! It helped me a lot.
Miriam G.
5 ★★★★★
This is a good quality product. I've been trying some other before, but this one is the best I had. Very recommended, and very helpful. My day to day life feels much better.
Oren C.
5 ★★★★★
I order this product regularly - very good! I'm having it with my Coffee.
Jerry B.
5 ★★★★★
Good product, I like it, excellent customer support, Thanks!
Michael E
5 ★★★★★
Arrived fast, and it has Mucuna inside, so results are a bit faster. I'm satisfied.
Max H.
5 ★★★★★
I am a repeat customer, and overtime the treatment has been helpful.
Michael E
5 ★★★★★
Arrived fast, and it has Mucuna inside, so results are a bit faster. I'm satisfied.
Jasmin A.
5 ★★★★★
My husband uses this Mannitol to reduce his Parkinson's symptoms. I can see an improvement with his sleep and voice, and maybe a bit with his tremor. He likes it, and seems to work for him.
3 ★★★
Not sure yet. I'm taking this product for 2 weeks now and it is almost like every natural sweetener – Easy to use, I like it. I didn't feel any improvement yet, but according to the studies I've read, it might take a while. Hope to update soon
Tim A.
5 ★★★★★
Certainly helped me
I've been taking this Mannitol for a few months, so far, I find it very helpful.
5 ★★★★★
I first bought this mannitol about a year ago, and I'm using it since then on a daily basis (3 times a day). Mannitol made me feel vital, my sense of taste improved immeasurably, my sleep is now deep and good, the pain is gone, and the tremors were significantly reduced. I know I have not been cured but thanks to this Mannitol I feel much better. Thank you very much
Robert N.
5 ★★★★★
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and struggled with severe pain in my extremities. I have been on Top-Probiotics Mannitol product for approximately three months and my pain is largely gone! It appears to me that my pain relief is from this product! It has made a major difference in the quality of my life! ALL FOR THE BETTER!!!
David V
5 ★★★★★
I've been taking Mannitol for 10 weeks. At the first 4 weeks, I've got relief from going to the toilets. At the next few weeks, my voice became clearer and loud. The Mannitol helped me, but you have to be patience for getting results.
Cómo usar HelicoBacstopDebes tomar 2 cápsulas al díaUno por la mañana y el segundo por la noche, en ayunas*(*60 minutos antes de una comida o 2 horas después de una comida)
¿Cómo sabría que Helico-Bacstop me ayudó?Después de un mes de tomar Helico-Bacstop, debe realizar otra prueba de respiración y comparar entre los resultados antes del tratamiento y después: verá una mejora importante
¿Sentiré alguna mejora usando Helico-Bacstop?¡Sí! Helico Bacstop reduce las bacterias en un 80%. Deberías llenarte mucho mejor una vez usando Helico-Bacstop.
¿Puedo comer de todo mientras tomo Helico Bacstop?Para obtener los mejores resultados, debe evitar los pasteles y masas, los alimentos fritos, los ahumados, los productos lácteos, el pan de harina blanca y los tomates durante y después del tratamiento
¿Cuánto tarda Helico-Bacstop en empezar a funcionar?A los pocos días de tomar Helico-Bacstop, se sentirá mucho mejor y los síntomas que sentía antes de usarlo comenzarán a disiparse notablemente.
¿Puedo tomar Helico Bacstop o después de tomar antibióticos?Puedes llevar el Helico Bacstop contigo o después de tomar antibióticos
Are there any side effects?Helico-Bacstop is a natural remedy with no known side effects when used as directed. However, if you have any underlying health conditions, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.
How should I store HelicoBacstop?HelicoBacstop should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. It does not require refrigeration. Simply keep the bottle tightly closed to protect the capsules from moisture and light, ensuring they maintain their potency.
Sobre nosotros
Manitol es fabricado por Homeotreat (Desde 1997) - Una empresa israelíespecializado en desarrollo natural & eficazproductos que aportan una amplia gama de soluciones naturales para mejorar la calidad de vida. Tanto la investigación y el desarrollo como la producción y el envasado están a cargo deHomeoterapia, En Israel.
La empresa pone gran énfasis en la calidad de los productos y sus procesos de desarrollo. Estos procesos son de gran importancia y por lo tantomuchoslos recursos se invierten en la investigación minuciosa y la calidad de las materias primas.
Los procesos de fabricación y empaque se realizan bajo la certificación GMP & ISO y sobrela supervisión del Ministerio de Salud de Israel.
Enviamos a todo el mundo.
Todos nuestros productos se envían desde Israel.
Debido a la crisis del COVID-19, no podemos ofrecer el servicio de envío gratuito regular. Todos los pedidos serán enviados con un servicio de envío Expedited/express - Shipping por lo general tarda de 3 a 6 días hábiles (los gastos de envío se calcularán en el momento de la compra).
El tiempo de manejo puede demorar hasta 2 días hábiles.
Tenga en cuenta que no somos responsables de los retrasos o aranceles causados por la aduana en el país receptor.
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