Throughout the transition seasons, millions of people suffer from allergy symptoms. Some will experience the condition mildly and some suffer greatly from the symptoms, and just wish that the period would pass. In this article, we will present to you the causes of seasonal allergies, as well as different methods of allergy treatment. Even if you suffer from severe allergies, you will be surprised to discover new methods to alleviate your condition.
What causes an allergy in transitional seasons?

An allergy is an unwanted immune response of the body following exposure to a factor that normally does not transmit diseases. The body constantly "fights" unwanted factors such as viruses and bacteria, when the body "gets confused", it recognizes certain substances as dangerous and fights them. These substances are called "allergenic". Allergens can enter our body through the skin, the respiratory system, through the food we eat and through injections.
The symptoms of seasonal allergies
Since the allergens are in the air and enter our body through the respiratory system, that is where most of the symptoms will appear.

The main symptoms will be:
Allergic rhinitis
Breathing problems
stuffy nose
hoarse voice
Eye irritation
Skin reactions such as swelling, rash and itching
In addition to these symptoms, it is also possible to associate symptoms such as: chills, headaches and common side effects following taking medication treatment with seasonal
Each person will experience the symptoms in a different composition and intensity. It is important to understand and relate these symptoms to the seasons and the presence of allergens in the air. Once it is understood that there is a connection between the symptoms and the allergy, the medication that will be given will be more targeted and will solve the problem more effectively.
Allergies are common during the transition season
Seasonal allergy is a seasonal allergy also called "hay fever". Like any allergy, not all people suffer from it but only some. The reason for this is related to genetics and heredity as well as our immune system. The main cause of this allergy is the pollen in the air or dust allergy.
Allergy to plants and flower pollen
This allergy is called "The Spring Allergy", this is due to the months in which it is common, Mostly on February, as temperatures gets warmer, plants begin to bloom and release pollen into the air. In these months there are various pollens scattered in the air, pollens originating from flowers, wild plants, grass plants and various trees
Allergy to dust
Another allergy is dust mite allergy. The dust can be found almost anywhere possible around the house or closed spaces. Dust mites will develop quickly in places where people stay and also in places with a lot of moisture and heat. Therefore, dust mites will develop more during periods when the weather is at its best, such as in the spring seasons.
Allergy treatment and prevention methods

First, we must admit that allergy cannot be cured. When you know that you are sensitive to certain allergens, you can avoid meeting them as much as possible, and try preliminary treatments to alleviate the symptoms. You can take medication or perform various treatments:
Simple actions to prevent the allergy
Avoiding an allergy situation during transitional seasons is not easy since the pollens are in the air, but simple actions can be performed in order to reduce the encounter with the allergens:
Avoiding going to open areas with a lot of vegetation.
Closing windows in houses and cars to prevent dust and pollen from entering.
Installing air filters at home and cleaning them on a regular basis.
Cleaning the filters of the air conditioners.
Cleaning the carpets at home.
Washing the hair often (pollens or dust mites are sometimes caught in the hair).
Changing the towels and sheets often.
Medications allergies treatment in transitional seasons
In addition to preventive treatments, you can take medications to reduce the appearance and intensity of symptoms. There are prescription and over-the-counter medications. Over-the-counter medications sometimes do not exactly meet the need to reduce symptoms, so it is necessary to consult a medical professional.
There are pills to be taken daily, there are preparations that relieve the runny nose and tears, and you can even find eye drops and sprays that contain steroids. In more severe cases, the allergy can be treated by injections and vaccinations. Any such treatment may have side effects, so it is recommended and desirable to consult a doctor before taking any medication.
Grandma's remedies for allergy treatment in transitional seasons
The symptoms of an allergy during the transition season are very unpleasant and sometimes create real distress for those who experience them, because they involve difficulties in the respiratory system and skin rashes and itching. The symptoms create discomfort and difficulty in daily functioning. In addition to the drug treatment and preventive treatments, you can try several "grandmother's remedies" in order to alleviate the situation.
A grandmother's medicine is a medicine that is supposed to relieve a certain pain or a certain condition without being scientifically proven. When they say grandmother's remedies, they mean eating certain food, applying unique ointments or performing various actions.
Alternative treatments to reduce allergy symptoms during the transition seasons:
Acupuncture - Acupuncture will improve respiratory allergy symptoms and increase energy levels in the body.
Grape seed extract - this is a medicine and also a natural antioxidant. You can consume the extract in liquid or capsules.
Fish oil - you can add two capsules of fish oil to your daily menu, fish oils reduce the general inflammation in the body.
Salt water - in order to relieve nasal congestion and breathing problems, it is recommended to rinse the nose with salt water. Salt balances the runny nose and eases the respiratory system.
Taking probiotics - adding probiotics to our daily diet increases the number of good bacteria we have in our body and strengthens our immune system. An allergy is caused by the activation of the immune system against allergens, so it is useful to strengthen it in order to reduce the symptoms.
As we explained, all of these are not scientific operations, but throughout history they have been proven to be highly efficient and effective for the treatment and reduction of spring allergy symptoms.
Seasonal allergies are manageable
Seasonal allergies can be a nuisance for many people. As long as you diagnose the allergy in time and receive the right treatment for you, you can turn the nuisance into a more comfortable situation that is easy to deal with. Since it is a natural phenomenon that brings pollen and allergens due to weather changes, it is not really possible to prevent the allergic reaction, but it is possible to reduce its intensity.
We recommend that you adopt all the methods and actions that we mentioned in the article and especially try to take IMMU OPTIMIZER COMPLEX which can help you deal with the allergy. Every little change can help and ease your symptoms and general feeling.