Dealing with cancer is difficult, physically and emotionally. One of the difficulties that cancer patients face is hair loss to the point of baldness. Hair loss is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy treatments, and the loss of hair can greatly damage the patient's confidence and self-image.
Hair loss due to chemotherapy

The goal of the chemotherapy treatment is to eliminate the cancerous tumor, but the treatment may also damage the healthy cells in the body, including the hair follicles. The base of the hair weakens following the treatment until it falls out completely. The shedding begins two to three weeks after the start of the treatments and it is a gradual process. The peak of shedding happens after a few days, and then you may notice hair falling on the pillow when the hand touches the head while washing the hair, and combing the hair. It is important to know that not all chemotherapy drugs cause baldness, but almost all of them cause thinning of the scalp. The amount of hair that falls out depends on the type and dosage of the drug. Apart from the head hair, chemotherapy treatments may also cause hair loss from other areas such as eyebrows, eyelashes, legs, pubes, chest, armpits, beard, and mustache.
Hair growth after chemo
Usually, the hair will start to grow about two or three months after the end of the treatments. The head will be completely filled in about three months to six months after the chemotherapy treatment. At the same time, the new hair that will grow is expected to be thinner and sometimes even frizzy, and its color may change as well as its texture (straight hair may become curly).
What helps hair growth after chemo
Dietary change
The new hair that grows after chemotherapy is sparse and thin, so it is very important to strengthen the hair root through a proper diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and iron. It is highly recommended to eat eggs (preferably eggs enriched with vitamin B), iron, and protein, pumpkin seeds which contain zinc which strengthens the hair roots, chicken and turkey (which are enriched with protein), guava which contains vitamin C which protects against hair breakage, spinach, cabbage and kale which are rich in vitamins and iron. It is also recommended to eat fish such as sardines, mackerel, and salmon, which contain essential omega-3 fatty acids.
Applying castor oil to the hair

At the end of the chemotherapy treatments, it is recommended to strengthen the hair root by using castor oil for the hair. The oil is extracted from the seeds of the thyme plant and is very helpful in cases of thinning hair. The oil, which penetrates into the stratum corneum of the skin, contains fatty acids that hydrate the skin and also increase blood flow to the scalp, thus encouraging hair regrowth.
However, it is important to know that castor oil is not suitable for everyone, and therefore you should try it before starting a continuous treatment.
Taking nutritional supplements to accelerate hair growth after chemo
If you have difficulty changing your diet, you can consume vitamins and minerals by taking nutritional supplements. For example, the nutritional supplement Hr Growth contains herbs, minerals, and vitamins that contribute to strengthening the hair root and encourage the activity of the stem cells that are responsible for hair growth.
HR Growth is a unique hair re-growth formula. Its effectiveness was clinically proven, and it is approved by the Israeli Ministry of health.
The bottom line
Why does hair fall out after chemotherapy treatments?
The chemotherapy treatment leads to the destruction of the cancer cells but also to the destruction of healthy cells in the body, including the hair follicles. The treatment weakens the base of the hair and as a result, the hair weakens until it falls out.
Will the hair grow back immediately after the end of the chemotherapy treatment?

The hair is expected to grow about two to three months after the end of the chemotherapy treatments. The hair that will grow is expected to be thinner and thinner than before.
When does hair start to fall out as a result of chemotherapy?
The hair begins to fall out gradually a few days after the start of the first chemotherapy treatment. The fallout song comes about two or three weeks later.
How can the hair regrowth process be accelerated and restored?
At the end of the chemotherapy treatments, it is recommended to consume a healthy diet rich in vitamins, iron, and minerals, take nutritional supplements and apply castor oil to the hair (not suitable for everyone so try a bit before using it).
Are there any other recommendations regarding chemotherapy treatment?
Chemotherapy treatments cause side effects and unpleasant physiological and emotional feelings. We recommend taking LIFEMEL during the treatments in order to significantly improve the immune system and to improve general feeling. LIFEMEL is a unique, clinically proven nutritional supplement that supports the immune system during treatments
The cancer disease is very challenging, physiologically and mentally, and the hair loss accompanying the chemotherapy treatments makes it even more difficult to cope with the disease. But just like the chemotherapy treatments eventually lead to the elimination of the cancer tumor and the improvement of health, so too will your hair grow back. Using different methods you can ensure that your hair will be strong and healthy. It's a process, and it will take time, but with persistence, the results will come.
The nutritional supplements will of course speed up and optimize the hair restoration process.
We wish you good health!