The age at which menstruation stops (menopause) is around the age of 48-49. However, life expectancy increased and if in the middle of the 19th century many women did not get to reach the age of 50, today the life expectancy reaches 84 years for women in the Western world, a fact that creates a situation in which a woman spends about a third of her life in a special hormonal state of menopause.
Hormonal imbalance – Menopause Treatment

Do you suffer from sleep disorders, hot flashes, chronic fatigue, digestive problems, decreased libido, hair loss, acne scars, irregular periods, irritability, and weight gain? You may have a hormonal imbalance. In the following article, we will talk about the causes of hormonal imbalance, how you can diagnose it, and what are the natural methods for treating hormonal imbalance.
What is the hormonal imbalance?
Hormones are chemicals produced in the endocrine glands and they help control many processes in the body, such as reproduction and metabolism. Hormonal imbalance is a condition in which there is an excess of a certain hormone or a lack of a hormone, and as a result, various symptoms appear that can seriously damage the quality of life.
What does hormonal imbalance feel like?
Hot Flashes

Although hot flashes are the most common complaint, menopause symptoms are not just hot flashes.
The typical hot flashes are described as the sudden appearance of redness on the skin of the head, neck, and face, accompanied by extreme heat and sometimes massive sweating. hot flashes usually last about three to four minutes, but there are also reports of extremely long hot flashes, lasting up to an hour. Hot flashes are common at night, in stressful situations, and in a hot environment, but the pattern of their appearance during the day and/or night is individual - each woman has her own characteristic course. In most cases, hot flashes appear during menopause, at the same time as the production and secretion of estrogens decrease, and pass a year or two after the complete cessation of hormone production. The osmomotor symptoms pass even without treatment, their frequency usually decreases gradually, until they disappear completely. However, in a small percentage of cases, the symptoms last for many years, and very rarely forever.
Possible consequences of hot flashes
If it was once thought that hot flashes were merely a nuisance, today it seems that they are accompanied by morbidity and harm women's health: during hot flashes, a decrease in sugar levels in the brain was found. This neuroglycopenia starts a process, the end of which can also be damaged to neurons. A connection was also found between the hot flashes and a decrease in blood flow to the brain and in ovariectomized women, and a connection was found between a decrease in blood flow to the brain and cognitive disorders. It seems that hot flashes themselves can bring about degenerative changes in the brain. In another study, it was found that the decrease in blood flow to the brain during hot flashes was the same as the decrease seen in people with Alzheimer's disease. Administering estrogen, or alternative natural therapy restores normal blood flow to the brain and treats hot flashes.
Weight gain
Hormonal imbalance can be expressed in the lack of the female hormone, estrogen. As a result, the desire to eat sugar and sweets arises, leading to weight gain. Obesity usually appears in the abdomen and thighs.
Chronic fatigue

Among women suffering from hormonal imbalance, it is possible that certain hormones will be at too high a level, and they will lead to great exhaustion, fatigue, and lack of energy.
Light and uninterrupted sleep
Sleep issues, including insomnia and multiple natural awakenings during the night, may result from a hormonal imbalance. For example, a too-high level of the estrogen hormone in the body may lead to multiple awakenings at night.
Digestive system problems
Hormones such as estrogen affect our digestive system. Therefore, when there is a hormonal imbalance, you may suffer from diarrhea, nausea, a feeling of bloating, and abdominal pain.
Premenstrual syndrome
One of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance is premenstrual syndrome. Women suffering from premenstrual syndrome report menstrual pain, headaches during menstruation, chest congestion, an urge to eat carbohydrates, a tendency to irritability, and depression.
Hair Loss
Women who have high levels of estrogen in their bodies (a condition known as estrogen dominance) may suffer from hair loss.
Menstrual problems
The hormonal imbalance can lead to an irregular cycle, a cycle that lasts too long or a cycle that is too long. As a result, women with hormonal imbalances may have difficulty getting pregnant.
It is commonly thought that acne only appears in puberty, but older women can also suffer from acne as a result of hormonal imbalance.
The causes of hormonal imbalance
There are many causes of hormonal imbalance. Women tend to suffer from fluctuations in hormones for physiological reasons such as during menopause, puberty, pregnancy, and after childbirth. Other factors are overactivity or under activity of a certain gland in the body, hormonal treatment such as birth control pills, a poor diet that does not provide vitamins and minerals, anxiety and stress, and sometimes a hormonal disorder that may be hereditary.
Hormonal balance test
If you suspect that you suffer from a hormonal imbalance, you can go to the doctor. The doctor will refer you to a hormonal balance test called a "hormonal profile". This blood test checks the levels of hormones in the body. The main hormones tested in women are TSH, prolactin, testosterone, estrogen, FSH, LH, and progesterone.
Natural hormonal balance
Ensuring proper nutrition
A balanced diet may greatly improve the condition and lead to a normal hormonal balance. It is recommended to consume fruits and vegetables, especially vegetables from the cruciferous family such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, and radish. These vegetables help clear hormone residues from the body. Empty carbohydrates that do not contain fiber should be avoided and the consumption of dairy products, meat, chicken, and eggs should be reduced. Please note that if you do suffer from hypothyroidism, you should be careful with using this type of vegetable.
Nutritional supplements that treat menopause syndrome
Another way to improve the hormonal fluctuations that occur in your body during menopause is by taking a nutritional supplement such as Meno-Feminine. An herbal formula includes the ingredient Scutellaria. This component helps in reducing symptoms that characterize the hormonal imbalance during menopause such as sleep disorders, depression, decreased libido, hot flashes, bleeding, mood swings, and more.
The unique and effective formula of Meno-Feminine includes additional 100% natural components such as:
Black Cohosh which soothes mood swings, regulates menstruation, relaxes the muscles of the uterus, and prevents spasms during menstruation,
Humulus Lupulus - which helps improve the quality of sleep and prevent sleep disorders, strengthens the nervous system, and prevents stress and anxiety.
Tilia sylvestris Desf. Known as an antispasmodic, sedative, peripheral vasodilator, diaphragmatic, hypotensive (low blood pressure), reduces sensitivity to pain (antinociceptive)
Passion fruit - prevents insomnia, improves digestive system activity, effectively treats skin irritations, lowers high blood pressure, relaxes, abdominal cramps, improves libido, contains antioxidants, helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, improves mood, and contributes to increased energy.
Vitex Agnus Castus affects the hormonal balance by interfering with the influence of the hypothalamus on the activity of the pituitary gland, improving the activity of the corpus luteum and increasing the secretion of progesterone in the ovary. It is known for its medicinal properties, including treating irregular periods, chest pain, and premenstrual syndrome.
These unique ingredients are what make Meno-Feminine such an effective and recommended dietary supplement among women suffering from menopausal symptoms.
Performing physical activity
Physical activity contributes to hormonal balance. It helps to remove toxins from the body, to lose weight, and to reduce tension and stress that characterize the hormonal imbalance. It is recommended to do physical activity, which you enjoy so that you can persist in it for a long time.
In conclusion
Hormonal imbalance is a condition that can cause many problems, interfere with our health and harm our quality of life. The good news is that hormonal imbalances can be treated using various methods such as taking nutritional supplements. This way you can achieve hormonal balance and enjoy a healthy life.